There are several main working principles of air filters
There are several main working principles of air filters
The working principle of the air filter is mainly as follows:
1. Inertial impact: When micron particles float in the air and move around the fiber, due to the inertia of the particles, they will deviate from the air flow line and collide with the fiber, thus being captured.
2. Interception: When large dust particles collide with the fibers in the filter through which the air passes due to their size, they will be intercepted.
3. Diffusion: When the disturbance (Brownian) movement of micron particles causes them to contact with the fiber, they will be adsorbed by the fiber, thus achieving filtration.
4. Electrostatic attraction: The electrostatic filter contains electrostatic enhanced fibers, which attract particles to the fibers in addition to retaining particles, thus significantly increasing the filtration efficiency of the filter.
It can be seen from the above working principle of air filtration: the air filter is not a sieve, therefore, the minimum filter particle size of the filter can not be understood as the absolute filter particle size of the air filter, which is easy to be misunderstood.